The Poker

So here we are standing in line waiting for the bus this afternoon. The entertainment today was a crazy lady with a stick. Now it may not seem to out of the ordinary right now, but from time to time she would run out and try and poke a passer-by with that stick, in their nether regions. There was no rhyme or reason, no pattern that we could discern except that she did not try to poke a soldier in uniform. Was it out of respect for our nation’s Veterans or was she afraid he was a trained killer. Male or female, black, white, hispanic, business suites, tourists… everyone was fair game. Some she waived by and some she would not let by until she did her duty.

I wanted to take some video of the event, but was afraid she would come over to the line and start poking her way down line. I hope this is not her new hang out.

We will see what exciting adventures await us tomorrow. Till then…