About Me

John Killian

“Purpose is the reason you journey. Passion is the fire that lights the way.”


My hobbies and passions are as a drone enthusiast, learning photographer, and amateur modelist. I have not been engaged with a drone for long, but I have always loved photography and model ships. I stick with landscapes primarily but want to try portraits as well.

“The unexpected can be exciting, fun, scary and tranquil.”

I spent just over 21 years in the US Marine Corps and traveled to North Carolina, California, Cuba, Norway, Okinawa Japan, Korea, Hawaii, and the Middle East.

“Semper Fidelis”

I have a daughter, 3 grandchildren, and three boys aged 17, 14 and 11. I have been married to my beautiful, loving, and charming wife for 19 years and would not be where I am without her.


I remember the days when email was the standard communications mechanism with a little bit of IM thrown in. The information explosion has really changed that, so much so, there are too many services, platforms, types, audiences, etc. I have found it difficult to use too many platforms all at once. I am narrowing it down to the ones I must maintain like Facebook (for family); and the ones I like; Twitter, Instagram, and this blog.

I do not do LinkedIn as I think the site is a leech. A lot of IT vendors use it to troll for email addresses and occupations to sell their products. I ignore a lot of emails, and do not answer the phone unless I know who it is.

Michigan Fan in the Wild!