
USS Constitution

Starboard fore, main and mizzen deadeyes.

I bought this back in 1999 and finally pulled it out of the attic. It is more difficult than I imagined and will take a long time. Some of the parts are brittle and break easy, but so far, nothing I cannot recover from.

Another view of the top gun deck.

View from the side.

View of the second gun deck.

Showing the entire top deck. The cannons did take a while to tie down.

The cannons did take a while to tie down. Some of the details. One thing I have learned is the bigger the model, the more apparent the mistakes or overuse of glue. You can also see the imperfections of paint

Some of the details of the gun ports.

USS Arizona BB-39

I picked this model up in 1999 as well. As with the Constitution, it sat in the attic and collected dust. I had the hull painted and that was about it. I did not get many pictures of this on being built but it was my first one in a long time.

Only the decking, guns, and basic super structure.

Completed Arizona

Up close detail. I really struggled with the rigging.